
Varna has the second highest average salary in Bulgaria

As reported by, in 2022 Varna was in second place in terms of average salary in Bulgaria. And Burgas was only in 15th place. Such statistics were recently published by the National Statistical Institute.

Previously, the ranking included such districts as Gabrovo, Shumen, Razgrad and even Vratsa. According to the study, a person working in the district receives an average annual gross salary of 16,307 leva. The total for the country is 21,242. In the capital – 29,698 leva. Varna is in second place after Sofia – with 19,448 leva, and Blagoevgrad is in last place with 13,833 leva.

The summarized results of the annual labor report for 2022 of business entities in the financial and non-financial sectors of the Burgas region indicate that the average annual number of persons employed in labor and service legal relations is 113,963, which is 5.0% of the total number of people employed in the country.

An increase in the number of people employed was recorded in twelve types of economic activity – the largest number in “Financial and insurance activities” (16.6%), “Hotel business and public catering” (14.2%) and “Culture, sports and entertainment” (13.1%). A decrease was observed in 7 of 19 types of economic activity – most significantly in “Mining industry” (13.6%) and “Agriculture, forestry and fisheries” (5.9%).

In the structure of persons engaged in economic activity, the share of those engaged in labor and service legal relations is highest in the types of activity “Trade, repair of cars and motorcycles” and “Manufacturing industry” – 16.7 and 14.7%, respectively.

In terms of the number of people engaged in labor and service legal relations, in 2022 the district ranks 4th among 28 districts of the country.

In the Burgas region, the average annual gross salary for 2022 will be BGN 16,307, compared to the national average of BGN 21,242.

Compared to other regions of the country, in terms of average annual gross salary in 2022, the Burgas region ranks 15th. The highest average annual salary is received by those working in the Sofia region (the capital) – BGN 29,698, and the lowest – in Blagoevgrad – BGN 13,833, Kyustendil – BGN 13,988 and Haskovo – BGN 14,308.

In 2022, the average annual gross salary in the Burgas region will increase by 9.8% compared to 2021. The types of economic activity that recorded the highest growth were “Agriculture, forestry and fisheries” – by 20.1%, “Culture, sports and entertainment” – by 18.1% and “Administrative and auxiliary activities” – by 17.9%.

Compared to 2021, the average annual salary in 2022 will increase by 8.8% in the public sector and by 10.4% in the private sector.

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