Life in BulgariaVacation in Bulgaria

Metro store in Bulgaria: assortment and prices 2020

Bulgaria food basket 2020. Bulgaria food prices. Let’s go shopping. Metro is represented by 2,200 shopping centers in 31 countries. I would like to note that recently Metro stores in Bulgaria have become accessible without a customer card. They are simply not checked at the entrance, and you can pay at the checkout without presenting this card, so anyone can use Metro stores in Bulgaria.

Metro store in Bulgaria

In Bulgaria it is easy to navigate the local currency, just divide the price in leva by two and you get the price in euros. 

Bread prices

So, we will start compiling the Bulgarian food basket for 2020 from the bread section. Here is bread in 400 gram packages, of various types, fitness series: classic, rye, with added nuts, pumpkin and flax seeds… The price of such bread is 60 cents. 

Metro store in Bulgaria

Toaster bread in a large 900-gram package: white or whole-grain bread. The price of such bread is 1 euro.
Half a kilo of whole-grain bread “Trapezen” costs 68 cents. Here is another wheat-rye 600-gram bread for 70 cents. And a loaf of white bread weighing 600 grams costs 48 cents. There is even cheaper – half a kilo of white bread costs 43 eurocents. 

Let’s take a look at the bottom shelf. This is where you can often find the lowest priced items.

Metro store in Bulgaria

And indeed, we see rye and whole grain bread next to it, weighing 600 grams each, at the lowest price – 40 cents. Let’s put this bread in our Bulgarian food basket, which we will calculate at the end of the video. By the way, let’s note that white bread is more popular in Bulgaria, and gray or black bread cannot be found everywhere. And as a rule, its price is higher than white bread.

A 1 kg bag of salt costs 16 cents. We also see that the range includes other types of salt: iodized, sea, pink, Himalayan and in various packaging, but it is already more expensive per 1 kg. 

A 2-kilogram bag of white sugar costs 1 euro 93 cents. A 1-kilogram package of sugar costs 65 cents.

Coffee prices

A 100 gram jar of regular Jacobs coffee costs 3 euros 45 cents. 

I would like to point out that tea is not popular in Bulgaria, so its range is poor and it is usually expensive. A pack of black tea “Aro” with 20 bags costs 50 euro cents. A pack of tea “Ahmad” will cost 2 euros 55 cents.

Rice prices

Half a kilo of rice “Biser Extra” costs 1 euro and 11 cents. From this price tag we see that if you buy 18 packs of rice, the price will drop to 97 cents per pack, and if you buy 24 packs, the price will be 92 cents. The difference is not very big, but those who buy in large quantities will be able to save significant amounts. In Bulgaria, at the moment, only Metro stores have discounts depending on the number of packages purchased. 

A kilogram pack of rice costs 1 euro 32 cents. Here we see 1 kg of rice for 1 euro 17 cents. 

Buckwheat prices

A 400 gram package of buckwheat costs 1 euro 17 cents. And a 1 kg package of buckwheat costs 1 euro 98 cents. Buckwheat is called elda in Bulgaria . By the way, it is not popular in Bulgaria, and you can only find it in some stores, Metro is one of them. But lentils, called leshta in Bulgarian, are popular in Bulgaria. Half a kilo of which costs 1 euro 45 cents.

Pasta prices

Budget pasta with the price for a 400 gram package of 32 cents. Pasta of the trade mark “Aro” at the same price. Half a kilo of pasta of a higher class costs 1 euro 16 cents. All other pasta is already more expensive. I will note that in Bulgaria the quality of pasta is acceptable even for the cheapest trade marks. 

Price of oil

1 liter of this sunflower oil costs 1 euro 66 cents. And the second option is cheaper – 1 euro 28 cents. On this day, there was no cheaper sunflower oil in Metro. In general, the average price in Bulgaria for a 1-liter bottle of sunflower oil without discounts and promotions is 1 euro. 

Flour type 500, price per kilogram package 70 cents.  

A 160 gram can of tuna costs 63 cents,

and Czech pate costs 25 cents. 180 grams of Appetite pate costs 66 euro cents.

Prices for dumplings

A kilogram of pork dumplings costs 4 euros 56 cents, and if you buy three packages at once, then the price per kilogram will be 3 euros 96 cents.

The price for 1 kg of frozen chicken is 2 euros 29 cents, but with a discount it costs 1 euro 43 cents. 

We approach the sausage rows.

Metro store in Bulgaria

Prices for sausages and salami

A 200-gram package of turkey sausages costs 1 euro 17 cents. If you buy 5 packages, the price will be 87 cents per package. I’ll show you how products of the same name, but with different expiration dates, can be on the same shelf using these sausages as an example.

Metro store in Bulgaria

This package has an expiration date until November 15, 2020, this package until November 5, this one until November 8, and this one only until October 29. Therefore, if you buy products in reserve, I recommend checking the expiration dates. In fairness, I will note that I have not come across any expired products here. And those products whose expiration date is approaching, but not yet expired, are usually sold out in certain places with discounts of 20-30%.

Smoked sausages. A sausage “Madzhar” costs 3 euros 6 cents. 

330 grams of sausage costs 2 euros 39 cents.

Metro store in Bulgaria

This sausage “Narodnaya” 220 grams costs 1 euro 63 cents, and if you buy 6 pieces at once, the price per sausage will be 1 euro 22 cents.

A 380 gram jar of Danone sour cream costs 1 euro 47 cents. A smaller jar costs 90 cents. 

Milk prices

Metro store in Bulgaria

Milk “Vereya” with the price for a liter bottle of 94 cents. There is cheaper milk, for example “Aro” with 3% fat, which costs 82 cents, and milk with 1.5% fat is even cheaper – 71 cents.

Butter. It is interesting that in Bulgaria the bulk of butter sold in stores is of German production. Bulgarian butter is more expensive and its range is not large. Here is a 250 gram package of butter 82% of German production, but packaged in Bulgaria costs 1 euro 53 cents. 

Parmesan prices

Italian Parmesan cheeses. Prices start from 13 euros 78 cents per kilogram, in 200, 300 gram packages and others. 

Ordinary cheeses cost from 5 euros 60 cents per kilogram. 

A pack of this cheese costs 6 euros 79 cents per kilogram. 

Egg prices

In Bulgaria, eggs are classified by size: S, M, L and XL. This package of 10 chicken eggs, size M, costs 1 euro 43 cents. And these eggs of the same size cost 1 euro 22 cents. If you buy eggs in a package of 30, the price per egg will be cheaper. You can also buy eggs in cardboard boxes at Metro and the price will be even cheaper.

Metro store in Bulgaria

Vegetable prices

Potatoes at 40 cents per kilo.

In the vegetable rows we see onions, cucumbers, and bell peppers at a price of 1 euro 32 cents per kilogram.

Tomatoes produced in Türkiye cost 1 euro 22 cents per kilogram, and pink tomatoes produced in Bulgaria cost 1 euro 93 cents. 

Lemons cost 1 euro 22 cents per kilo.

Metro store in Bulgaria

Bulgarian apples of the “Zlatna Voskhodstvenna” variety cost 94 eurocents per kilogram.

Seafood prices

Frozen octopus at 7 euros 10 cents per kilo. Silver carp at 3 euros 82 cents per package. Mackerel at 3 euros per half-kilo package. Hake at 4 euros per package. Salmon at 15 euros 30 cents per package.

Ice cream and chocolate prices

Ice cream at a price of 5 euros for a 4-liter package. For ice cream “Eskimo” in a 400-gram package the price is 1 euro 63 cents.

Swiss Chocolate “Lindt”, the price for a 100-gram bar is from 1 euro 78 cents and up. Milka chocolate weighing 300 grams costs 2 euros 40 cents. If you take this package with 5 100-gram bars of Milka chocolate, then one bar of chocolate will cost 80 euro cents. 

This is Bulgarian chocolate, although economy class, but quite tasty at a price of 45 cents per 100 gram bar. Roshen chocolate costs from 60 euro cents per bar.

Water prices. A 1.5 liter bottle of Aro mineral water costs 19 cents. 

A liter of average-priced nectar juice costs 1 euro 14 cents.

Metro Product Catalog

Here you can see the range of products and prices. Promotions on products are updated weekly and monthly.

Bulgaria Food Basket 2020

So, as we promised, we present to your attention the food basket of Bulgaria for 2020. We did not include those products for which there is a very large price range depending on the time of year. When choosing products, we selected inexpensive products, but of acceptable quality. 

Why did we choose Metro to create our grocery basket in Bulgaria? For several reasons.

Firstly, the prices here for most goods are optimal, if there is another store with a cheaper price, then the difference will be small and most likely it will be a promotional price.

Secondly, the Metro retail chain is well represented in almost all countries of geographical Europe, so it will not be difficult for you to compare prices in Bulgaria with yours.

And Metro stores in Bulgaria offer a fairly wide range of grocery products.

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