
Did you know? Pomorie used to be called Anchialo

Pomorie is a settlement with a very rich history. This settlement has been known to people since the time of the Thracians. Here we will look at its history and what names the settlement had over the centuries. And the most interesting thing is what the Bulgarians called it during the First State.


This is the oldest name of Pomorie known to most people. There are several different versions of the origin of this word, but the most popular one is related to the name of Apollonia Pontica ( Sozopol ), the oldest city on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.

Already in the new era, Anchialo was part of the Roman Empire and gradually became an important economic center. It was connected with trade along the Black Sea coast. This especially intensified after the empire was divided into two parts and Anchialo fell under the rule of Byzantium. The translation of the name itself means a place located near salt – a very valuable spice for trade.

Bulgarian history of Pomorie

Pomorie first became part of the Bulgarian state during the time of Khan Krum – in 812.

The Bulgarians managed to maintain control over this city, and its settlement is associated with the most important event of this period, the great battle of 917 on the Achelous River, in which Tsar Simeon managed to inflict one of the most severe defeats in the history of the Eastern Roman Empire.


There are many assumptions about whether the Bulgarians retained the name Anchialo or whether it was something else. In most cases, the old name is retained or Bulgarized. In this particular case, some researchers suggest that the name of the city was Tukhton. Unfortunately, this thesis cannot be proven yet.

Within the Second Bulgarian State, Pomorie after 1204 frequently changed hands between the Bulgarians, Romans and Latins.

The city is believed to have been destroyed in the late 14th century during the Ottoman invasion of the Balkan Peninsula. However, it was part of the Byzantine Empire until 1453. After the fall of Constantinople, Anchialo fell into Ottoman hands.

Ottoman History of Pomorie

Here we find one of the proofs that the city was given a Roman name. Because the Ottomans christened the city Achiola, their version of Anchialo. Of course, before the Ottomans came to the Balkans, the city was part of Byzantium, and they certainly took the latter name.

As part of the Ottoman Empire, Anchialo was inhabited mainly by Greeks, who were engaged in trade and fishing. This is proven by the fact that in 1870 Anchialo was not included in the newly created Bulgarian Exarchate. This shows that the Greek population is much larger than the Bulgarian one.

Pomorie is back in Bulgarian hands

After the Liberation, Anchialo became part of the newly created Eastern Rumelia. After the Unification in 1885, Anchialo was officially annexed to Bulgaria.

As a result, this led to the migration of many Bulgarians from various unliberated areas of the Bulgarian land. This is also the reason why many Greeks emigrated towards Greece. Thus, gradually, especially after the Balkan wars and the influx of refugees into Bulgaria, Anchialo regained its completely Bulgarian character.

Eventually, in 1934, Anchialo was renamed Pomorie.

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