Cheap bus ticket prices from/to Bulgaria: from Sofia, Varna, Burgas
We present a selection of current prices for cheap bus tickets from or to Bulgaria to Ukraine, Romania, Greece, Poland and Turkey. Departure and arrival cities in Bulgaria: Sofia , Varna , Burgas , Sunny Beach . The trip is carried out on large buses with Internet.
πTickets can be purchased at these prices (prices vary depending on travel date).
Popular destinations:
πVarna β Kiev β from 75 BGN/38 EUR,
πVarna β Odessa β from 69 BGN/34.06 EUR,
πVarna β Bucharest β from 40 BGN/28.60 EUR,
πVarna β Istanbul from 58.50 BGN/30 EUR,
πSofia β Odessa β from 101 BGN/52 EUR,
πSofia β Kiev β from 147 BGN/75 EUR,
πSofia β Warsaw β from 150 BGN/77 EUR,
πSofia β Istanbul from 60 BGN/30.53 EUR,
πSofia β Thessaloniki from 29.25 BGN/15 EUR
πSunny Beach β Istanbul β from 58.50 BGN/30 EUR
πBurgas β Istanbul β from 56.50 BGN/28 EUR
More routes and purchases can be made on the website .